Migrating from On-premise and Colocation Datacenters to Cloud Datacenters – Top 5 Benefits and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Cloud Datacenter

Are you wondering if managing your own on-premise or colocation datacenter still makes sense for your business? With the need for hardware upgrades, maintenance, and potential security concerns, it may be time to consider migrating to a cloud datacenter. In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons why to make the switch and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Advantages of migrating to a cloud datacenter.
There are several benefits gained from migrating your on-premise or colocation datacenter to a cloud datacenter. Here are the top five.

  1. Enhanced Accessibility and Collaboration: A significant advantage of migrating to a cloud datacenter is the convenience of anytime, anywhere accessibility for your users, without compromising on security of your network and data. With on-premise datacenters, you are bound to a physical location. But with the cloud, your data and applications can be accessible from anywhere. This flexibility facilitates remote work, boosts productivity, and enables seamless collaboration among team members spread across different locations. The days of being tied to physical servers or struggling with slow and cumbersome VPNs are no more. Cloud datacenters provide a seamless experience, allowing businesses to embrace the hybrid and remote work trends of today.
  2. Cost Savings: Cost considerations are always top of mind for businesses. On-premise and colocation datacenters require substantial capital expenditures. These upfront expenses include the costs of purchasing and upgrading hardware, power consumption, cooling systems, and maintaining a dedicated IT staff. By migrating to a cloud datacenter, you will have access to enterprise-level infrastructure and can opt for a more predictable and scalable pay-as-you-go model, allowing you to pay only for the resources you consume. Today’s cloud service providers often offer tiered pricing plans, enabling businesses to choose a consumption model that best suits their needs and budget.
  3. Scalability & Flexibility: A significant advantage of a cloud datacenter over an on-premise or colocation datacenter is the unmatched scalability and flexibility it offers. Many businesses face fluctuating demands for resources. For both on-premise and colocation datacenters, adding or removing hardware can be time-consuming and costly. Cloud datacenters offer the flexibility to scale your resources up or down as needed, allowing you to respond quickly and efficiently to changing business requirements and market demands.
  4. Enhanced Security Measures: Today data breaches and cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly common, making security concerns a top priority. Cloud datacenters provide robust security measures, including encryption, firewalls, multifactor authentication, and regular backups. Major cloud providers also invest heavily in their security protocols, ensuring better protection for your data than you may be able to achieve on your own with an on-premise or colocation datacenter.
  5. Disaster Recovery: Unfortunately, disasters happen – whether it's a natural calamity, a power outage, or a major system failure. Migrating to a cloud datacenter can offer peace of mind ensuring data redundancy and protection against disasters. With a cloud datacenter, your data is replicated and stored in multiple, geographically distributed locations, minimizing the risk of data loss, and ensuring business continuity even in the face of unforeseen events. For on-premise and colocation datacenters, this would require significant investments in infrastructure and expertise to maintain the same level of security and resilience as cloud datacenters.

With clear benefits outlined, let’s identify common pitfalls.
When migrating an on-premise or colocation datacenter to a cloud datacenter, companies often face several challenges. Let’s look at five common ones.

  1. Data Transfer and Bandwidth: Moving large amounts of data from a premise or colocation datacenter to a cloud datacenter can be time-consuming and require significant bandwidth. Ensuring a smooth and efficient transfer of data without disrupting business operations can be a challenge. Tip: Determine which workloads are best suited for the cloud or SaaS, based on criteria such as bandwidth requirements, volume of data, and security and compliance requirements.
  2. Application Compatibility: Applications that were designed to run on-premise or in a colocation datacenter may not be compatible with the cloud environment. Companies may need to modify or refactor their applications to ensure they work seamlessly in the cloud. Tip: Leverage tools that can identify and assess any incompatibilities with the cloud.
  3. Security and Compliance: Your organization has put certain security policies in place. It is important to ensure that you can maintain the same security policies and compliance requirements in the cloud datacenter. Tip: Cloud native security tools may not be enough to secure your environment. Consider working with cloud security experts who can provide guidance and options to fit your organization’s needs.
  4. Cost Management: Migrating to a cloud datacenter involves understanding and managing the costs associated with cloud services. Companies need to carefully plan and optimize their cloud resources to avoid unexpected expenses and ensure cost-effectiveness. Tip: Talk to experts about tools to help you identify the different workloads that you want to make available in the cloud to understand your complete cloud footprint.
  5. Staff Training and Skillset: Migrating to a cloud datacenter often requires a different set of skills and expertise. Companies may need to provide training to their IT staff or hire new talent with cloud-specific knowledge to successfully navigate the migration process. Tip: Often these challenges can be overcome with proper planning, collaboration with cloud service providers, and leveraging the expertise of experienced professionals in cloud migration.

It is clear that migrating from an on-premise or colocation datacenter to a cloud datacenter can bring numerous benefits. Accessible from anywhere, cloud datacenters offer cost savings, scalability, enhanced security measures, and disaster recovery options. While it may not be essential for every business, the advantages are certainly intriguing. The choice ultimately depends on your specific business needs and requirements. So, if you're looking to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve accessibility, it might be time to consider embracing the cloud.

That’s where Vandis comes in. There is no need to go at it alone. As each environment is unique, the specific benefits, security requirements, and migration path will vary. Contact us at info@vandis.com to learn how Vandis’ security and cloud experts can help you successfully migrate your datacenter to the cloud.