Date Event Category Register
Apr 2 Aruba Central and AOS10 Workshop - April 2nd Virtual Bootcamp Not Required
Apr 3 Aruba Central and AOS10 Workshop - April 3rd Virtual Bootcamp Not Required
Apr 9 Vandis & Horizon3 Webinar - The Shortcomings of Traditional Pentesting Webinar Register Here
Apr 22 Aruba Central and AOS10 Workshop - April 22nd Virtual Bootcamp Not Required

Each registrant will be reviewed by Vandis to ensure they meet Vandis’ requirements for attendance and, if qualified, will receive an approval email after registration. Attendees acknowledge that their organizations may have compliance policies relating to their employees’ ability to accept items of value that may be available at an event, and it is the attendee’s responsibility to manage compliance with those business policies. By registering to attend any events here, you accept our Privacy Policy and Event Policy.